Sunday, March 20, 2016

Ginger May Help You to Reduce Menstrual Pain

 Dysmenorrhea, more commonly known as menstrual cramps, are cramping pains in the lower abdomen, experienced by most women just before or during their monthly periods. The prostaglandin hormone is mainly responsible for the menstrual cramps and inflammation during a woman’s period, but is also caused by endometriosis, uterine fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), cervical stenosis, and adenomyosis.

 Ginger has been effective in relieving inflammation and pain, and it can help alleviate the pain associated with menstrual cramps. Ginger also is used for nausea and an upset stomach, symptoms that sometimes accompany menstruation. The University of Maryland Medical Center recommends taking ginger two to three times a day while you are experiencing menstrual cramps.


Ginger lowers pain levels causing prostaglandins and soothes menstrual cramps and calms the stomach.
  • Eat ginger raw or cooked the form of ginger ale, cookies, snacks, or candies.
  • Boil slices of ginger, honey, and a pinch of salt for 4 – 6 minutes and drink twice daily.
  • Steep ½ teaspoon of ginger (either dried powder or grated) in a cup of boiling water for 3 – 5 minutes and drink three times daily for best results.


Poor nutrition can lead to deficiencies which will worsen menstruation symptoms. Include essential vitamins and nutrients in your diet to rid cramps.
  • Drink as much water as possible to prevent painful bloating during menstruation.  Drink warm or hot water will increase blood flow to the skin and relax cramped muscles.
  • Eat water-based food or fruits such as celery, watermelon, cucumber, berries, and lettuce to increase hydration and get relief from cramps.
  • Eat foods containing calcium such as milk, other dairy products, sesame seeds, almonds, and leafy green vegetables to reduce muscle cramping during menstruation.
  • Eat foods containing vitamin B, especially vitamin B6, such as brown rice to reduce bloating.
  • Eat foods containing vitamin E such as olive oil and broccoli for relief from menstrual cramps.
  • Eat foods rich in magnesium such as walnuts, almonds, and pumpkin seeds to absorb calcium and ease cramps.
  • Eat foods rich in iron such as chicken, fish, and green leafy vegetables to replace the iron lost during menstruation.
  • Avoid fatty foods, alcohols, chocolates, carbonated beverages during your menstrual cramps. They cause bloating and water retention, making cramps worse.
  • Avoid coffee and other caffeinated products. Instead, eat soothing ginger, mint teas, or hot water with lemon.
  • Eat yogurt and banana to soothe cramps.
  • Flax seeds reduce prostaglandin production (responsible for menstrual pain or cramps) in the body due to its herbal properties. Consume 2 tablespoons of flaxseeds daily for best results.
  • Swallow 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar (ACV) after each meal.



  1. Relax and listen to soothing music, read a book, or engage yourself in any interesting activity as anxiety and stress will make cramps worse.
  2. Women who stay warm will be less prone to menstrual cramps.
  3. Take vitamin D regularly to help cure menstrual cramps.
  4. Apply a few teaspoons of warm olive oil to the stomach and leave for 15 – 20 minutes.
  5. Take a mineral bath to get relief from cramps. Add a cup of sea salt and a cup of baking soda to water. Soak for 15 – 20 minutes to relax muscles.
  6. Acupuncture, a traditional Chinese treatment of sticking the skin with small needles to stimulate certain pressure points, effectively relieves menstrual cramps
Important Note:

Make sure you're getting enough vitamin D

Prevention is always better than the cure, which is why making sure your body has enough vitamin D is important in preventing menstrual cramps. A study found that high doses of vitamin D3 led to a significant decrease in menstrual cramps. "40 Italian women were split into two groups: one receiving a single oral dose of 300,000 IUs of vitamin D3 and the other getting a placebo five days before the expected start of their menstrual periods." Their pain scored dropped by 41 percent, while those in the placebo group saw no change in their pain scale.

Also Read  health and powerful medicinal properties of ginger

qomaria kartono

About qomaria kartono

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