Saturday, January 30, 2016

Fruits and Exercise Reduces Belly Fat

Belly fat is a big and common concern for many people, especially women. The belly fat issue can not only make your appearance unattractive, it can also contribute to the increased risks of fatty liver disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

Several people try dieting to lose tummy fat, but this is not the optimal choice. The ideal method that can help you eliminate stomach fat is to opt for the right kinds of foods and take advantages of daily physical exercises.
Knowing what to add to your daily diet is just ½ the job, the other ½ of the job is practicing daily exercises that are suitable for your body type. Some certain foods can actually help in reducing stubborn stomach fat and will get you well on your way to enjoy a slender physique.

 1. Pineapple

This is actually the first one of the most effective best foods to reduce belly fat revealed in this article and my readers should learn and remember to make use every day.
This tropical fruit provides an enzyme named bromelain, which contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties. This enzyme can help to metabolize protein that contributes to a flatter stomach.
A research conducted at the University of Maryland indicated that the antibacterial properties of bromelain can also help in combating the bacteria that leads to diarrhea and is also extremely useful in healing bowel disorders. Relief from stomach related issues can contribute to a slimmer waistline and less abdominal bloating.
In addition, pineapple is very rich in fiber, copper, thiamine, manganese, vitamin C, and vitamins B-6 that provide a lot of benefits for health.
With this superfood, you could be able to get rid of excess belly fat and enjoy a slimmer waistline. Nevertheless, this food will just play a major role in attaining a better result if you combine it with regular exercises.

 2. Apple

Apple is very abundant in beta-carotene, phytosterol, flavonoids, and dietary fiber which make your belly feel full, and thereby helping you avoid overeating. According to a Brazilian research, women who ate at least apples per day could lose more weight than those who did not.
The natural compound in apple called pectin can also help in speeding up the weight loss process. Fruits abundant in pectin often require more chewing and when the pectin will dissolve in the stomach, forming a gel-like substance that can trap fat and dietary cholesterol. Moreover, pectin can help effectively in reducing the risks of colon cancer, while the vitamin C and antioxidants contained in apple will help to keep your skin free from wrinkles.
In reality, apple is on top of the best foods to reduce belly fat that people should not look down but make use as soon as and as regular as possible for good!

 3. Avocado

Avocado contains an important amino acid called lecithin that can help to manage body weight. Being an excellent source of healthy fats – polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, avocado can help to burn belly fat within a short time.
The abundant fiber content of this creamy fruit can also help in keeping hunger at bay and preventing you from overeating as well. In addition, avocado contains powerful antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-aging properties that provide several benefits for human health and beauty.
This is also one of the best foods to reduce belly fat that I would like to reveal in the article today and want my readers to learn and remember to make use for good!

 4. Tomato

A large tomato just contains 33 calories. It has a compound called 9-oxo-ODA that can help effectively in reducing lipids in the blood, which in turn helping to control stomach fat. This compound can also help to fight against chronic conditions associated with obesity.
In addition, the powerful antioxidant lycopene contained in tomato provides a lot of additional health benefits, such as reducing cholesterol levels, fighting against cancers, and reducing wrinkles. Tomato is an excellent food source of nutrients such as potassium and iron, and it is also very abundant in vitamin C and vitamin A. Therefore, to enjoy a healthy body and a slimmer waistline, add more tomatoes (in both cooked and raw forms) into your daily meals for good!
In fact, this is one of the best foods to reduce belly fat that I want to release in this article and want you and my other readers to learn about and make use by adding it to the daily diet as soon as and as frequent as possible for good!

 5. Watermelon

The American Dietetic Association declares watermelon as one of the best foods to reduce belly fat. Watermelon just provides a low level of calories and contains as much as 91 % water. When you eat watermelon at the beginning of a meal, it will help to fill you up without adding to your meal with an excess amount of calories.
In addition, watermelon can help to keep you feeling full for a longer time period and also aid in combating the water retention issue. This juicy fruit is also an abundant source of vitamin C, vitamin B6, and vitamin B, as well as magnesium and potassium. It is also a great addition to a low-fat and low-calorie diet.
An interesting research conducted at the University of Kentucky exposed that drinking 2 glasses of watermelon juice on a daily basis for 8 weeks will help to reduce body weight (especially the fat stored around the stomach area) without altering muscles. Regular intake of watermelon can also help in lowering the risks of developing heart disease and coronary artery plaque accumulation.

 6. Beans

Regular intake of different types of beans can help effectively in reducing body fat, developing muscles and improving the digestive process. Beans can also help your stomach feel full for a longer time, which in turns can help to prevent you from overeating.
This happens because beans are a good source of soluble fiber. This fiber can especially target belly fat, helping to break the excess fat down so excess pounds stored in your belly could be eliminated from your body. In addition, beans are very rich in protein so that it will be able to provide high levels of energy to your body as well. You can add beans to your daily diet with ease just by adding them to your side dishes, soups, or salads. This is also among the most useful and best foods to reduce belly fat that people should not look down yet try making use as soon as possible for good!

 7. Cucumber 


Cucumber is actually an extremely low-calorie and refreshing food. 100 grs of cucumber has approximately 96 % water and just around 45 calories. This veggie fruit is jam-packed with vitamins, dietary fibers, and minerals.
Consuming one plate of cucumber salad every day is an useful and healthy method which can help in speeding up the weight loss process and cleansing your body of harmful toxins secreted by the digestive system. As an additional benefit, consuming cucumber on a daily basis can give you glowing, radiant skin as they are very abundant in vitamin C and vitamins B.
Actually, this is one of the most effective and best foods to reduce belly fat that I want to reveal in this entire article and people who are looking for ways to increase blood flow should learn and make use for good!

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qomaria kartono

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June 12, 2021 at 10:21 PM delete

Nice post. Well what can I say is that these is an interesting and very informative topic on improving stomach health


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