Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Omega 3: Health Benefits and Food Source

The benefits of fish oil supplements whether in pills or liquid form, results from the fact that fish oil contain Omega-3 fatty acids. We avoid fish oil vitamin pills because they are usually big and hard to swallow.

There are three types of Omega-3 that are important nutritionally: ALA, EPA and DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid ).
Here there are few things you should know about Omega-3's
  • Omega-3's are only found on your diet. Your body can't make them.
  • Most of today's foods do not contain them.
  • A significant portion of your brain is made from Omega-3.
  • The main benefits of fish oil supplements that contain Omega-3's include; Improved memory and Brain health, reduce Inflammation, Heart Health, and Cancer Prevention. 
 Benefits of Omega-3 and Fish oil Supplements
Here is a summary of the many benefits of fish oil supplements and Omega-3 fatty acids

1. Improve Memory

Omega-3 fatty acid in fish oil can help memory cells in the brain communicate more efficiently. Research at the university of Alberta investigate how a diet high in DHA improve memory and found that, DHA ( a type of omega-3 fatty acid ) obtained from eating fish or from taking supplements become concentrated in the hippocampus. The more DHA that a brain  absorbs the better the memory neurons intersect with one another.

2. Brain Health

 according to Dr. David Horrobin, a pioneer fatty acid researcher, Omega-3's make up 8% of human brain. Omega-3's supplements have been shown to prevent memory impairment and speed recovery from depression.
A study in the Journal of development and behaviral pediatrics concluded that, Omega-3 supplements improved children's learning and behaviour. Omega-3 has been shown to provide a protective effect against Alzheimer's dementia and parkinson's diseases.

3. Reduces Inflammation

Fish oil can reduce pain full, chronic inflammation in research studies neck pain and rheumatoid arthritis sufferers said they received as much relief from symptoms as when taking aspirin or ibuprofen.

4. Heart Health

Fish oil is good for your heart. Research suggests taking fish oil can reduce the risk of of having a heart attack or stroke. It also has been shown to cut level of bad cholesterol by half in some studies.

5. Immune System Health

Fish oil can improve your resistance to infections of disease. A study in the journal of nutrition showed that infants who drank cow's milk or infant formula that had fish oil added to it had improved immune function.

6. Cancer Prevention

Taking fish oil can fight cancer. several research studies suggest that Omega-3 found in fish oil slow the growth of tumors and increase survivability especially with prostate, colon and breast cancer.

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qomaria kartono

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