Thursday, April 7, 2016

Health Benefits and Step by Step Preparation of Pineapple Juice

Pineapple juice has a large amount of helpful nutrients in each serving. Things like potassium, calcium, high levels of vitamins C and B6, and low glycemic carbohydrates found within the fruit juice provide consumers with numerous health benefits.

Nutritional Content

One cup of pineapple juice, without added sugars or sweeteners, contains about 132 calories, none of which come from fats. Pineapple juice also contains very low amounts of sodium and no cholesterol at all. This fruit juice option does contain a moderate amount of sugary carbohydrates, though they carry a low glycemic load.
Pineapple juice contains hardly any protein, so the beverage does not serve as a viable source.

Health Benefits of Pineapple Juice

One cup of pineapple juice contains nearly 50% of the daily requirement for vitamin C intake. This helpful nutrient works to implement the use of vital enzymes within the body that regulate metabolism and energy conversion.
Pineapple juice also contains high levels of manganese, a mineral that predominately helps form healthy connective tissue and bones. Manganese works to absorb more calcium, metabolize carbohydrates and fats, plus increases regular nerve function.
This healthy fruit juice does not contain fats or cholesterol, plus it has only small traces of sodium. All three of these nutrients harm the body when consumed in excess. Consuming pineapple juice neither raises unhealthy cholesterol levels or fat storage.

Other Information

Consuming excess amounts of any fruit-based beverage, including pineapple juice, often leads to weight gain. The sugars found within natural pineapple juice consist of both fructose and glucose, both of which eventually store in the body as fat if not converted into energy through exercise or physical activity.

qomaria kartono

About qomaria kartono

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